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Steppin' Out Radio

Apr 30, 2019

Michael can remember being shy and fearful his young life, and even as a teenager couldn’t muster up the strength to talk to girls until he took swigs from a bottle of Crown Royal his friend swiped and brought to the school dance. His love of alcohol began then, and spent high school blackout drinking. Michael...

Apr 30, 2019

Joani Gammill is a substance use disorder interventionist who has her own company, Joani The Interventionist, where she has performed hundreds of interventions for 12 years.  She now works full time at Recovery Centers of America facilitating interventions.  Joani has authored two successful books. Her first was the...

Apr 30, 2019

Actor, Producer and Restaurateur Danny Trejo (@officialDannyT) loves “playing the bad guy in movies, because the bad guy always dies. That’s the real world. If someone asked me to play a bad guy that always gets away with it, I’d pass. That’s the very message I preach to youths who are in crisis and in trouble:...