Aug 31, 2019
Bill is an alcoholic. Both sides of his family were filled with drinkers, but Bill grew up a successful young man. He went to college on scholarship and even while at school never touched alcohol. His first drink didn’t come until the age of 22. Bill went to his first bar then, and drank 13 drinks just to see what it...
Aug 30, 2019
As a child, Sue didn’t know her desire to eat certain foods was an illness. Sue remembers hovering around candy dishes, and taking way more than her share of special holiday treats. Much like other addicts, Sue tried to keep up appearances. She did well in school and didn’t look like your stereotypical addict; she...
Aug 29, 2019
Claire is a food addict, which she says is a bit different from being a “Overeater.” They are not overeaters, often, but they use food and its ingredients as a drug. Claire says anything floury would relieve her stress, give her confidence, and calm her anxiety. She would also suffer withdrawals if she...
Aug 28, 2019
Robert and Tish are an engaged couple who are both in recovery. They met while attending a twelve step meeting. Robert drank and drugged for 36 years. His family comes from cultures that embraced drinking alcohol. He was an anxious child whose parents divorced when was young. And at age 8 he learned alcohol could...
Aug 28, 2019
Gail Cole’s son Brendan was about to finish his college career when she noticed something was wrong. Brendan would admit to his parents that he was addicted to pain pills. His use of the drugs started, as with so many, by taking opioids as prescribed by doctors following surgery. Thinking back, Gail can remember...