Dec 31, 2019
Bob’s major use of drugs and alcohol stared after high school, following a bad breakup. Bob incidentally was taken to a twelve-step meeting which brought him into two years of sobriety, though it ended when he toasted his brother at his wedding. Years later, he wound up in jail. Bob was not only an addict, but a...
Dec 30, 2019
Fred thinks he used drugs in order to deal with pain, and today in his sobriety, he knows to deal with pain without using. His first time trying a drug, alcohol, happened at age ten at a party his parents threw; they toasted him with Sangria. Fred remembers it made him feel “warm.” He would later recognize his...
Dec 29, 2019
Paul grew up in what he says should be a normal childhood. He attended a very good school, was a good student and athlete. But he always had a feeling of being different and inadequate. At age 12 or 13, while playing on a hockey team, Paul drank when celebrating winning a championship game. While he drank before, he...
Dec 28, 2019
Robert felt like he had a difficult childhood, dealing with an alcoholic father. For some reason, his father’s harshness was directed towards him as opposed to his siblings. And while he doesn’t know why, Robert was compelled to sample his father’s alcohol as young as five years old. By sixth grade, he...
Dec 27, 2019
Aaron was always rebellious, even as a young child. At 13 he started smoking marijuana and drinking at 14. He quickly discovered how easy it was to steal pills from friends’ bathroom cabinets. Aaron says he was addicted to Oxycontin for a year and a half. At age 20, Aaron was arrested for writing fake prescriptions...